A Different Kind of Lineage Society

We are a different kind of lineage society.
We choose to be different
Other lineage societies typically offer their members a variety of patriotically themed activities and projects. Although many members find them rewarding, generally, these initiatives are episodic and lack long term continuity or substantial, community-wide impact.
The National Society of the American Revolution’s founding purpose is to create and provide ongoing education programs to the American public, focusing on topics as the War of American Independence, and its causes, the U.S. Constitution, the philosophical principles of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and the concept of American Patriotism.
Our intent is long term continuity, meaningful, educational content, offered in an engaging format. Our enduring purpose is to promote broad public awareness, understanding, and support for the founding principles of the United States of America.
The NSOAR is non-political
The National Society of the American Revolution is a patriotic, educational society. We are not aligned with any pollical party or social movement. We support the U.S. Constitution, and pledge to preserve, protect and defend it against all foes.
The NSOAR is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Donations are considered tax deductible.
Membership in the NSOAR
Membership in the NSOAR is limited to males of good character who have a direct paternal or maternal lineage descending from a soldier, sailor, member of government, or a proven patriot who provided material support or service during the American Revolution. NSOAR members may hold office, vote, and pay dues to the Society.
Associate Membership in the NSOAR may be awarded to individuals who are not otherwise qualified for lineal membership and who materially contribute to the furtherance of the Society’s goals, objectives and founding purpose. Associate members may be male or female. Examples of contributions include financial support, contributions of performance talent, script and presentation writing, research, media relations, public relations, or other helpful activities within the organization. Associate Members may participate in all activities and initiatives of the organization; however, they may not hold office or vote, and they do not pay dues.
Applying for membership
Membership in the Society is by invitation. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an expression of interest by following this link and completing the form. Applicants must support the United States Constitution and pledge loyalty to the United States of America.
Applicants may not belong to organizations that advocate the overthrow of the United States, or who advocate political principles adverse to the Bill of Rights.

What We Do for America
Vision: Promote American patriotism through education.
Mission: Create educational programs that achieve awareness, understanding and support for the ideals as stated in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and other Founding documents.
Goals: Develop and provide access to a broad range of program content reflecting traditional American ideals in a patriotic context. Content will focus on meritocratic capitalism, self-reliance and individualism, and America’s unique role in history in respecting and protecting the natural rights of citizens.
Strategies: The NSOAR has extensive expertise available to support to support policy development in public schools and other educational initiatives. Our team members respond to questions, provide authoritative input, advice, and assistance to decision makers and policy formulators on the topics of Early American History, Civics, Founders, the Constitution, Civics and Government.
Qualified Members are available to make classroom presentations or provide other classroom enrichment experiences intended to inform and inspire students to learn about early American history and our nation’s founding principles.
Patriotism Includes All Americans
American patriotism begins in the heart and in the home.
The National Society of the American Revolution develops and distributes a variety of unbiased, patriotic education programming designed to strengthen the American Republic as a meritocracy for succeeding generations.
Our members include scholars, educators, and character portrayals, all designed to attract attention and convey factual information in a patriotic context to students and adults.